Letter to Monroe County Election Board Encouraging Satellite Voting on IUB Campus
August 22, 2010
Monroe County Election Board
301 N College Ave
Bloomington, IN 47404
Dear Board Members,
I’m writing today to urge you to vote in support of continuing the use of satellite voting centers on the campus of Indiana University. Doing so will provide students an easily accessible way to participate in and learn about the political process with as few obstacles as possible.
During my time in Monroe County as an Indiana University student, satellite voting was not available on campus. As a consequence, I witnessed peers taking a lethargic approach to the political process – in the heart of election season you might not have known anything important was going on at all unless you were a Political Science student. Sadly, for many of these people the lethargy learned during this formative period has never been erased from their outlook on our political process.
Monroe County Election Board
301 N College Ave
Bloomington, IN 47404
Dear Board Members,
I’m writing today to urge you to vote in support of continuing the use of satellite voting centers on the campus of Indiana University. Doing so will provide students an easily accessible way to participate in and learn about the political process with as few obstacles as possible.
During my time in Monroe County as an Indiana University student, satellite voting was not available on campus. As a consequence, I witnessed peers taking a lethargic approach to the political process – in the heart of election season you might not have known anything important was going on at all unless you were a Political Science student. Sadly, for many of these people the lethargy learned during this formative period has never been erased from their outlook on our political process.
Contrast this lethargic dynamic with the election of 2008 – students on both sides of the political aisle were alive with the process. They engaged in debate on critical issues, researched what Party and/or candidates fit their viewpoints, actively registered their peers to participate, supported the candidates of their choice, and ultimately exercised that excitement with their peers at an easily accessible on-campus polling site. This on-campus dynamic even led to high-profile candidates visiting campus, recognizing students as a powerful voice and giving them a better chance of making informed decisions. The process achieved two bi-partisan aims – unfettered access to the ballot and an incredible learning experience.
You have the power to teach the current generation of Indiana University students a valuable lesson about politics which will remain with them for a lifetime and, in the process, make a statement about the values of public service. Will that lesson be one of limiting access, participation, and excitement in pursuit of partisan political gains or will it be a lesson that political involvement, as part of the college experience, is a virtue that transcends cost and arbitrary party labels?
I’m confident you will stand firmly with the latter in voting to maintain the use of satellite voting facilities on the campus of Indiana University.
Respectfully Submitted,
Samuel Locke
Democratic Nominee for State Auditor
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